Arya Samaj

Arya Samaj is neither a new sect nor a new doctrine. It is an organization or group that has well defined objectives and clearly laid down principles. The 6th principle of Arya Samaj states that the prime objective of Arya Samaj is to do good to the whole world, i.e. to achieve physical, spiritual and social progress and prosperity for all.

The establishment of Arya Samaj was with one objective which was the beneficence of the entire world along with welfare and well being of the whole humankind. The instrument of achieving this objective is the physical, social and spiritual progress of all. Every person while striving for their physical and spiritual well being should also put an effort for the social well being of everyone else. This has been explained more clearly in the 9th principle of Arya Samaj, one should not be content with promoting his/her good only; on the contrary, one should strive to promote the social upliftment and advancement of all.

This important work of promoting individual and social upliftment can be achieved by those who are equipped with true knowledge, are virtuous in thought and actions and are selfless and altruistic. It is these people that Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati defines as “Arya” and the organization of these people is the Arya Samaj. Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati intended that moral, virtuous and altruistic people should become members of the Samaj and together they strive for the welfare and advancement of all mankind.

Maharshi did not regard “Arya” as a separate caste nor did he consider it as residents of a particular nation. The residents of Bharat or India from Himalayas to Rameshwaram were earlier known as Arya because they were virtuous, moral, brave and honest and therefore the land was distinguished as “Aryavartta”. The Arya followed the Dharma as defined by the Vedas and consequently their culture and civilization was advanced and superior.

Maharshi Dayanand endeavored to remove the anti-vedic views that had crept into Hinduism and to true eternal Vedic dharma in its pure form be re-established. He established the Arya Samaj to make the citizens “Arya” in true sense of the word and under their leadership achieve the welfare of entire mankind.

Maharshi Swami Dayanand Saraswati ji established Arya Samaj on April 7, 1875 in Mumbai, India.